• January 30, 2024
  • by Ricky Attard
  • 205

There are so many things that you need to do when completing a tiling project, so is it really necessary to have tile levelling systems, too? Tile levelling systems aren’t just for professional tilers, but they can help anyone achieve a professionally tiled look. 

Tile levelling systems are beneficial to the tiling process as they help people achieve a uniform and professional-looking tiled surface. Whether it be a wall floor or anything else you intend to tile, tile levelling systems can prevent lippage and slumping. In turn, tile levelling systems can save money as they help prevent your tiles from cracking. 

Read along because, in this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about using tile levelling systems and why they’re totally worth using. 

What are tile levelling systems?

A tile levelling system is a quick and relatively easy-to-use tool that helps prevent your tiles from moving as they set and improves the overall look of your tile installation. Tile levelling systems include: 

  • Tile levelling clips
  • Reusable corner brackets
  • Reusable wedges
  • Tile levelling system pliers
  • Spinning caps

How many clips and wedges do I need?

The amount of clips and wedges you’ll need in your tile levelling kit will all depend on the per square metre of tiles you’ll be working with as well as the size and type of tile you use. In essence, it’s similar to the amount of tile spacers you’ll need. 

You can easily calculate the amount you’ll need using our chart.

Are tile levelling wedges reusable?

Yes, the great thing about tile levelling wedges is that they’re reusable, as good-quality wedges are resistant to wear and tear. However, the clips will need to be disposed of after their first use.

Will using tile levelling systems create empty voids under the tiles? 

When using tile levelling kits, you’ll need to tighten the clips into place, pushing the tile down flush to match the tile surface. The tile is being pushed down onto the thinset and held in place, and because of this tile levelling system can eliminate voids underneath the tile itself.

What is tile lippage?

When you’re tiling, you might experience some irregularities in the tiles and with the substrate, and any bumps could cause a lippage issue. When tiles can bow or shrink over an uneven surface, this will result in a lip at the edge of the tile. This lippage reduces bonding and increases the odds of breakage. This will end up costing you more for maintenance, and it also looks really unprofessional.

Can tile levelling systems fix bowed tiles? 

Yes, tile levelling systems can fix warped or bowed tiles. With tiles that dip in the centre of the four corners and don’t touch the floor surface evenly, some people might try to put a weight on the tile or use tile strips, but this isn’t a practical solution for the problem. 

Using a tile levelling kit will push down all of the corners of a tile to even it out. It does this by letting the suction straighten it out. During the tile adhesive setting time, the tile will stick to this position and meld with the subfloor surface. 

How do you remove tile levelling clips?

When removing tile levelling clips from wall or floor tiles, you might worry about them breaking the inside of the grout line. This is a valid concern for anyone using them for the first time or if you’re using a cheaper-quality levelling system, as the possibility is quite high. 

Remove tile levelling clips from a floor 

Aim for the bottom of the tile levelling clip. By using a rubber mallet or even your foot, aim for the bottom of the clip with a short and sharp motion. This is where most of the force will transfer to the breaking point to help the top point come off cleanly. 

Remove tile levelling clips from a wall

Removing tile levelling clips from wall tiles is a similar concept, but it differs from removing one on the floor because, unfortunately, you won’t be able to use your foot – thanks, gravity. You will need to use a rubber mallet and, once again, aim for the base of the clip. Strike as low as possible, with a quick and smooth movement so it comes off cleanly. 

After you’ve done a few, this becomes easier as you get used to the motion. 

What are the advantages of using tile levelling systems?

  • Tile levelling systems help you to level tiles as you’ll easily pick up on which ones are uneven, and they will be set in place
  • These tools can save you time in fine-tuning the tiles, so instead of triple-checking if everything is level, you’ll have clear markers 
  • Tile levelling systems prevent tile lippage, so your tiling will look attractive and be free from trip hazards 
  • Tile levelling systems can straighten out crooked plank tiles to prevent lippage and keep your tiles looking well-aligned 
  • Tile levelling systems can even out grout lines for a more polished look 
  • Tile levelling systems can prevent the tiles from slumping during the adhesive cure time 

What are the disadvantages of using tile levelling systems?

  • Tile levelling systems add an extra expense 
  • Tile levelling systems take a few extra seconds to apply 
  • Tile levelling systems add slightly more clean-up time during the grouting process
  • Tile levelling systems might make grout lines more difficult to clean 

Final Thoughts

Overall, tile levelling systems are completely worth it as they ensure that you end up with completely levelled tiles and that the job is done correctly the first time around. So, essentially, using a tile levelling system can save you some time and money. Tile levelling systems are always changing, with bigger sizes being made available on the market, and using these tools will help you achieve your desired result every time.